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A Prayer to Jesus.

Preparing for the Lord should always bring to mind how we must Love God, and always strive to do so.

The renowned Spiritual director, Jesuit Fr Jean Croiset (1656-1738) wrote the following:

".....There is nothing to which Jesus Christ has so solemnly pledged Himself as to hear our prayers;
but of all prayers there is none so agreeable to Him as that by which we ask for His love. He has
bound Himself strictly to grant this love to all those who ask for it, but even if He had not bound
Himself to grant this love, this request for His love would bind Him to grant it......Jesus Christ has
done all that we can imagine, even more than we can imagine, to induce us to love Him. It depends
on Him to grant us this love, dare we think He will refuse it to us if we ask it of Him? But it must
be that this love is little esteemed, since it is asked for so little. You are astonished that you do
not love Jesus ardently...but you should be still more astonished if you loved Him without praying
for this love, since it is the greatest of all God's gifts." (Fr Jean Croiset SJ)

To love God always brings into focus the First Commandment:

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. "[Mt 22:37]&[Deut. 6:4-5]

And of the Words of the Our Father: “Thy will Be done...” Always seek to please God. What an award to try to achieve. What better award? Keep to the commandments. And ask Him; beg Him for His love and that you will love Him ever more and more. Always seek His Mercy.

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