Ave Stella Maris.

In Latin, and in English.
Ave, maris stella,
.......................................Hail, Bright Star of ocean,
Dei mater alma
..........................................God's own Mother blest,
atque semper Virgo,.................................
..Ever sinless Virgin,
felix cæli porta..........................................
. Gate of heavenly rest.
Sumens illud Ave
......................................Taking that sweet Ave,
Gabriellis ore,
............................................Which from Gabriel came,
funda noc in pace,
......................................Peace confirm within us,
mutans Evæ nomen.
..................................Changing Eva's name.
Solve vincia reis,............................................ Break the captive's fetters,
profer lumen cæcis,
....................................Light on blindness pour,
mala nostra pelle,
.......................................All our ills expelling,
bona cuncta posce..........................................Every bliss implore.
Monstra te esse matrem,
............................Show Thyself a Mother
sumat per te preces
....................................May the Word Divine,
qui pro nobis natus
.....................................Born for us Thy infant
tulit esse tuus..................................................Hear our prayers through Thine.
Virgo singularis,..........................................
Virgin all excelling,
inter omnes mitis,.......................................
.Mildest of the mild,
nos culpis solutos...........................................Freed from guilt, preserve us,
mites fac et castros.........................................Pure and undefiled.
Vitam præstra puram,.................................
.Keep our lives all spotless,
iter para tutum,..........................................
..make our way secure,
ut videntes Jesum.......................................
.Till we find in Jesus,
semper collætemur....................................
..Joy forevermore
Sit laus deo Patri.............................................Through the highest heaven
Summo Christo decus,....................................To the almighty Three
Spiritu Sancto.............................................
.Father, Son and Spirit,
tribus honor unus. Amen...........................
.One same glory be. Amen.
8th century
(author unknown)
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