Ireland: pro-life.

Archived from May 2018. But it can be read here. A more traditional style Catholic statement on the referendum on abortion in Ireland.
A Referendum on abortion is not appropriate
Keep a focus on the deepest issues in this referendum. Abortion is about lives and it is about souls. Many souls are being placed in the ways of great danger by a referendum on abortion itself. Abortion is a most grave sin. It follows that its facilitation by promoting it and voting for it, is a serious sin.
Those with an abortion agenda:
Those calling the referendum; those with an abortion agenda, have made very clear and made very widely known that their motive and their intention is to legislate for, and to facilitate, abortion. A most serious sin in itself, involving potentially untold numbers. Who, in the sight of God, would dare to do such a thing?
At its deepest level, this referendum is about the rendering to Caesar the things of God that Our Lord warned against. The people have not asked for a referendum; those supposedly in positions of responsibility have imposed it. And what does this rendering to Caesar result in? A day of sin with its great danger to souls being cast across the country.
Very many who would otherwise have no involvement in this issue in any influential definitive (direct contribution) way whatsoever, including those vulnerable (for example those barely adults with populist and 'peer' pressure surrounding them) are being entwined in this whole facilitation of abortion agenda. Suddenly they will be made a contributing part of it.
A referendum on abortion is the encouragement of serious sin on a vast scale; a “day of sin” will be in place across the country. Encouragement of such sin has no place in society. No one can deny that abortion is a grave sin, and that encouraging the facilitation of it it by voting for it, is a most serious sin.
The evil of abortion:
Not only does abortion kill a child and in barbaric ways (the baby no matter what its age wincing away from the instruments that are dragging it away, sometimes in pieces, the baby left to die alone in a dark room or corridor, the baby who has poison injected into its heart, the baby whose brain is taken out (partial birth abortion.) The mother with intense regrets left longing for her child's embrace. A father in distress at having been unable to protect his child.
Those involved in this process place their own souls in great danger. And very many professions are involved. And all professionals involved in abortion, if human, should know too that their souls, without sincere repentance, are in the greatest danger. The abortion industry, with its multi-faceted approach, provides a vast net; a vast harvest for the devil in reaping souls. Abortion is an unspeakable crime, a grave sin, and evil beyond measure.
Human professionals should be concerned first with souls; their own and others. And with divine law, which never changes.
Sincere repentance is needed; a calling upon God's great Mercy, which is upon humans.
And what seems to be so easily ignored is that there is so much help available; there is all the work of the Catholic Church, all the parish work, all the Catholic charities; all the various groups and organizations; all the giving to help. Gifts and financial help abounds from directions all around.
And a few more months can find fostering and adoption available. Abortion is about not giving a few extra months/weeks, or even days in the womb to a child, that it may live its whole lifetime, no matter how long or short that may be. And the value of a child does not depend on the circumstances of its conception.
And what would any human mother or father not give to save their child's life from those using subtle words and deadly instruments to end it? But forgotten because it cannot call out to them for it is yet in the womb. Wake up humans; all who are being made part of this terrible evil.
These are serious matters. And with the formal announcement of the referendum being made in Holy Week to be across the papers on Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday unto the night of the Last Supper, and Our Lord God's agony in the garden, where He did sweat Blood for us, in anticipation of His sufferings ahead, in paying for us the price of every sin.
And the referendum in the month of May, long dedicated to our loving Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the human life and soul within; repercussions for Ireland, and for mankind, already in deep trouble could be very serious indeed.
And in these last days of the world as we know it the focus of the country should be on its role in preparations for Our Lord's Second Coming. It is "Plan and prepare."
Ireland has a profound role in preparations for Our Lord's Second Coming in Judgement. Was not St John at Knock St John of The Apocalypse too? Ireland Awaken!

The Apocalypse of St John is the last book of the New Testament and the white robes of Knock are a teaching as to Apocalypse 7:14; to resoluteness and steadfastness in the Faith amidst the great tribulation of the last times. (Apocalypse 7:13-17.)
(please see more on this in the link "Ireland, significant things, link below)
And the tribulation means that a referendum on abortion is entirely inappropriate because it is not a full human vote. As foretold in scripture and in prophesy, apostate angels live amongst us in vast numbers in these last times of the world as we know it. Humans are now in the minority, by far, in all countries of the world. The apostate angels will influence humans and the outcome to suit their purposes in the shorter or longer term. And this is, as it always is, it is all about the devil reaping human souls.
Catholics would need to lobby against the referendum; to try to prevent this “day of sin” and its repercussions for the country. And which would, at least, show a great effort has been in place to avert this.
And do not be afraid to tell of these things. A repentant soul upon death will thank God for your work in the most heartfelt of ways unimaginable to them in this life . For when we die, we go to judgement!
There is much talk about “a personal journey” by those whom, it would seem, are trying to present this matter as though one of transition. The personal journey that all humans should by far be the most concerned with is the one it has always been; the one we will make after this very short sojourn upon God's earth.
In the secret of La Salette was warned as to how in this last era, under the influence of the apostate angels amongst us, and those humans whom they influence, that there will be a denial of the existence of heaven. And, sure enough it is all about man's own rights. But one forgets to fear God at one's peril.
Indeed, all the talk is about rights, but it is God who has first Rights over a child; it is His Child. Our Lord God and Saviour; Jesus Christ, taught us to call God our Father, and which is an immense honour for us. Our Creator is also our Father; and that is a very good thing, for a good Father loves His Children very much. God gives to His child a human soul, and He gives His child a role in life for His service; no one has any right to take this away.
All humans should keep in mind that Our Lord God and Saviour living amongst us, suffering and dying for us and His glorious resurrection from the dead, is an historical fact; it took place in time in accordance with that foretold of in scripture. And that the fundamental basis of all Christian belief is that our Lord (our Saviour) paid for us the price of every sin, and saved us from an automatic descent into hell upon death. And all humans must be joined with His glorious resurrection from the dead.
At all costs humans must seek not to go to hell.
Humans should be striving to please God in preparation for the Lord's Second Coming in Judgement. Abortion is not a side issue it is a major issue; it is the shame of mankind.
We must strive to please God; such striving would bring great blessings upon us and our families and our country. Even amidst the great difficulties of these last days of the world, we have to try.
Our Lord taught us the beautiful parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15:11-31) and that: God's Mercy. All humans can avail themselves of...
To Ireland: a Tribute.
To Ireland: A worldwide tribute:
Please pray for Ireland. And if you are an Irish Catholic, born in Ireland but living abroad, or if you have Irish roots and ancestry, then your Catholic Faith will have come from Ireland; through your home, through your parish, through mission, through your school. If not directly, then indirectly; the great influence of the Irish; the taking of the Faith to far flung regions and ensuring that it was established and thrived; wanting their children to be on the path of salvation and helping many others along the way. Difficulties at home had never stopped the brave Irish and nor would any they encountered elsewhere.
And recognized by many along the way. The words of Sr (Mother) Magdalen Taylor come to mind. An English nurse working with Irish nuns in the Crimea, and tending to the wounded Irish and helping them to write their letters home, she soon converted to the Catholic Faith. But not just to the sisters and her patients did she pay tribute, but to Ireland itself, writing: “To Ireland...To thee I owe my glorious faith..” It is one voice but to which so many throughout the world are joined.
And very many have known the loving, caring goodness of Irish Catholic priests and religious down through the centuries, and not least those sitting in heaven alongside them, thanking God for their loving work. And which loving legacy will always shine through no matter those who, and in so many ways cause, and seek a distraction from it, from within and without the Church, in this terrible last era of the world as we know it.
Ireland now is in the grip, on many levels in society, of those seeking to impose pluralism, paganism, and the sowing of indifferentism to the Faith, and with this comes the leading of people away from the path of salvation. The referendum, those calling for it having the motive of facilitating abortion, is just the latest example of it. For such facilitating is evidently against the glory of God and His ways.
Add a special intention to your Rosary prayer, for example, to rid Ireland of the scourge of abortion. That Ireland maintains the Faith. For the Blessed Virgin's help that the country be prepared properly for Her Son's return.

O Mary our Mother, how you would have us prepare in the right way for your Son.